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June 2019 Optometry Industry Report [INFOGRAPHIC]

Total active optometry jobs on iHireOptometry increased slightly in June 2019 compared to May 2019’s volume, while new optometry jobs added decreased. Luxottica Group held on to its top hiring company spot with 780 jobs.

Regarding optometry job seekers, our membership base decreased to 74,365, with Optical Assistant/Optical Office Staff, Optician, and Optometrist as the top three titles. Optometry job seekers are members of iHireOptometry for about 4 years on average, and a solid amount of them are willing to relocate (22%).

It will be interesting to see how the remaining summer months fare, and if there will be significant changes in optometry industry data come September. Get our full eye care industry overview in the infographic below.


ihireoptometry june 2019 optometry industry infographic

Natalie Winzer profile picture
by: Natalie Winzer
Originally Published: July 05, 2019

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