ihire ask a resume writer should i have ai write my resume

Can AI write a resume for you? Should you use AI for resume writing, or is it too risky? Find out in this Ask a...


ihire business spotlight image open society foundations

Looking for a rewarding career? Check out what makes Open Society Foundations a great place to work in iHire’s...


Referrals on paper

71.8% of employers rely on referrals to recruit new hires. Find out how to ask for a job referral to increase your...


Career Newsroom: Top Hiring Concerns

Unqualified candidates, job ghosting, and a shortage of applicants are the top concerns for employers. Here’s how to...


Job seeker writing on notepad titled "Career"

Now that we've covered the introduction, let's discuss how to write the work experience section of a resume – where...


iHire's job x-ray

iHire’s Job X-ray tool helps you determine how to ensure your resume matches a specific job description when...


Woman using social media

recruiters to search the name of potential employees via the internet before hiring, and in most cases, interviewing


iHire team

A collection of tried-and-true tips from the iHire team to help you make your own job search luck and inspire you to...


Job Search Game Plan: 7 Steps to Career Success

Navigating the job market can feel overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. This webinar covers seven proven steps...


recently laid off employee contemplating her next move

Uncertain what to do after being laid off from work? Here are 9 steps to add to your lay off checklist to help you...


Businessman cheering with smile drawn on paper bag over face in office

Need a laugh or two to brighten up your Monday? We searched the depths of the internet to find these 10 fantastic...


Word or pdf resume

Is it better to send a resume as a PDF or a Word doc? The preferred ATS resume file type might surprise you.


How do I hide my job search from my employer?

Currently employed and want to keep your job search confidential? Learn how to hide your job search from your employer.


Ask a Career Advisor how can I stay motivated in my job search

Could you use some job search motivation? Are you frustrated with job hunting? We asked iHire Career Advisor Lori...


Professionally dressed job seeker stands proudly with her shadow in the background wearing a superhero cape.

Personal branding is crucial during any job hunt. Read these 5 personal branding tips for job seekers to understand...


Avoid the Resume Black Hole: 5 Tricks That Work [Video Webinar]

Check out this on-demand webinar and Q&A to learn how to avoid the resume black hold with good resume formatting,...


Can I leave a job off my resume

Is leaving jobs off your resume a good strategy? What jobs should you not put on your resume? Get Certified Resume...


Older woman looking for a job

Learn how to find part-time jobs after retirement, get hints about where to look for part-time employment, and tips...


Declining job offer

It’s never easy to decline a job offer, especially if you want to remain on good terms. Use these tips to decline a...


female optometrist at work in front of a display of glasses

Interested in an optometry career? Check out our tips for finding the best workplaces in optometry.


Showing 201 to 220 of 375 results