Job Search

Find practical tips and tricks for finding your next career opportunity.

Older adult man looking for careers on laptop

Is changing careers at the age of 50 or older possible? It is, and it’s easier than ever. Find out how to change...


Skills gap concept

Getting a job can be tough, but it's almost impossible if you don't know how to market yourself. Learn how to find...


Save your search on iHire to save time and frustration

Searching for jobs on iHire is easy, but saving a job search only takes a few more clicks! Learn how to set up,...


recently laid off employee contemplating her next move

Uncertain what to do after being laid off from work? Here are 9 steps to add to your lay off checklist to help you...


Nurse choosing a hospital

Choosing the right hospital to work for is important when looking for healthcare jobs. Use these tips to help you...


job search check list

iHire is excited to announce the addition of new job management tools to help our users maximize their time as they...


Ask a Career Advisor how can I stay motivated in my job search

Could you use some job search motivation? Are you frustrated with job hunting? We asked iHire Career Advisor Lori...


Woman using social media

At this point it is common practice for hiring managers and recruiters to search the name of potential employees via...



Setting job search goals is important, but making them SMART will help you achieve them. Discover examples of SMART...


Find Your Niche Podcast: How to Win Jobs and Influence People

Find Your Niche host Lori Cole and guest Andres Lares share their job searching tips that will show you how to find...


Toxic work culture sign

The signs of a toxic work culture aren’t always obvious. Keep an eye out for these job posting red flags when...


new grad job search

New grad job search anxiety is real, but it can be managed if you know what to expect. Follow these job search tips...


Find Your Niche Podcast Graphic: Featuring Nicole Kalil

The job search process can fill you with doubt. Lori Cole discusses how to gain confidence when finding a job on...


Fun company eating lunch

Not sure how to know if a company is a good fit? These tips will help you research a company’s culture, a key aspect...


woman thinking about her career with images of herself in different jobs within illustrated thought bubbles

Feeling stuck in your career? Thinking about a career change? Check out these five free career assessments and...


iHire Career Newsroom Graphic: Recession Proof Your Job Search with These Strategies

With workers worried about a recession affecting their careers, we offer some job searching tips in an economic...


How do I hide my job search from my employer?

Currently employed and want to keep your job search confidential? Learn how to hide your job search from your employer.


Medical work working from home

Wondering if it's possible to work from home in the healthcare industry? These 12 jobs allow you to work remotely...


Person saying to to job offer

An employer rescinding your job offer can leave you in a tough position. Learn what your options are if this has...


Woman working on calendar

How long is the average job search in 2022? We break down how long you’ll be looking for a job, and how you can...


Showing 81 to 100 of 297 results